At Trelle, we celebrate the power of personal style through bags that boost your mood and tell a story.


If there were a textbook definition of “entering as strangers and leaving as friends,” our relationship would be it. It all started normally enough, with an introduction at a party — but new friends don’t typically agree to a joint family spring break trip a week into knowing each other! What could’ve been two families coexisting in the same place (or worse, a total disaster!) was the beginning of one of those rarified friendships that only a few are lucky enough to experience. 

That first spring break, we were two giddy, inseparable-but-still-distinct families; over the years — and on many subsequent vacations — those two distinct families have fused into one. From celebrating holidays and milestones to seeing each other through life’s challenges and curve balls, laughing through Sunday dinners to experiencing heartfelt laughter on the pickleball court, we share all of life’s moments together — and we wouldn’t have it any other way. 

Our friendship has made us true believers in the power of serendipity, and pickleball is just one of those blessings that happened by chance. When Covid canceled a planned trip, we looked for some closer-to-home fun on the pickleball courts, and in true Elise/Nancy fashion, a whim turned into an obsession: We couldn’t get enough of this wonderful sport! Now we participate in leagues and tournaments, and love every minute of it. Perhaps even more than playing, we love that pickleball is such a potpourri of people — all ages, backgrounds, and athletic abilities coming together around the pure joy they feel on the courts. 

Pickleball has become a happy place and a community, and we’re excited for Trelle to bring even more whimsy and style to something already filled with such delight. 


Meet the women behind the brand! Nancy Shipp and Elise Markel, co-founders, founded Trelle in 2021.

One thing you can’t live without:

Elise: Music
Nancy: My memories

Cause you are most passionate about:

Elise: Empowering low opportunity women from post-conflict countries with mentorship, education and leadership skills
Nancy: Educating young people

Wine or cocktail:

Elise: Wine
Nancy: Wine

Best advice you have ever received:

Elise: Listen more than you speak
Nancy: Notice small moments of joy

Favorite thing to binge watch:

Elise: Firefly Lane
Nancy: Brothers and Sisters

Favorite quote:

Elise: I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou
Nancy “Keep transforming, learning and never think you know it all.”  - Brad Meltzer

Favorite thing to do in your downtime:

Elise: Play pickleball
Nancy: Play pickleball

Our Values